Monday, June 26, 2017

6-26-2017 chinam(ountains)pas

Gooood afternoon villagers of the United States and other places!
Like I said, This week I had transfers to Chinampas, which is straight up pueblos. There is no such thing as Walmart, or McDonalds here. I havent even found a gas station so Im not sure how people get gas. But the point is, is that I LOVE IT HERE. It isone of the highest baptizing zones in Mexico City. We will be baptizing every week for at least 6 weeks I think.

My mission area is HUGE, and it covers 8 or 9 small pueblos. San Gregorio, Santa Cruz, Tulyehualco, Capulin, San Luis, San Pedro, San Bartolo, and others. Everyone here is really humble and ready to receive the gospel! We walked into a store the other day, and there were two young ladys in the store. One of them said to me "Hey, she (pointing to the other) wants to be baptized". And it wasnt a joke. She has a baptismal date for the 15 of July. We received a phone call on Thursday from an inactive member who lives with 5 other family members who all want to be baptized. I cant believe how strong the Lord is working on these people over here! Its such a blessing to see the hand of the Lord. 

When you think of the stereotypical Mexican mission, you think of dirt roads, stray dogs, a lot of sombreros, Mexican music, and a lot of baptisms. Im glad to say that that is EXACTLY what my misson is like. Including the horses and guitars. Just imagine it a little more modern, with a bunch of old cars and stuff. I love it here. I havent seen green in 7 months, and now its all around me! I missed hiking the in the mountains of Utah and seeing an amazing view at the top, and thats whay I get here too! The air is better up here than in the city too. Long story short, I love it here. 

Speaking of 7 months, thats right. I hit 7 months out in the field this week! Time is starting to really fly by! 

Spiritual thought:
Alma 24. 

Other cool things:
1. My companion lives by the Trafalga in Lehi so we live way close to each other
2. My landlord loves music and said he would lend me a guitar and a ukelele this week (I hope he remembers!) 
3. I ride on mini buses for at least half the day to get to different teaching appointments (it takes over an hour to get to one side to the other of our area, in a bus!)

Monday, June 19, 2017

6-19-17 bye bye squadron

The sky was a dark blue, the birds were chirping. It was a peaceful Sunday morning WHEN THE NEIGHBOR LIT OFF A HUNDRED FIREWORKS AT 6 AM! And let me tell you, they are not actually fireworks. They are just very loud bombs that they like to shoot into the air. No lights, no works. just a bomb. #mexicocity

Transfer week, and the President thought it would be a good idea to move me. I just finished packing up, and in an hour Ill be at the offices, getting a new companion. I have this wierd feeling that Im gonna be a District Leader, opening a new area. I hope that doesnt happen!

I feel good with how Im leaving this area. I think i knocked over a thousand doors just in 6 weeks, and worked my butt off.
AND, after 6 whole weeks of fighting and battling, after almost 600 hours of nonstop work in Escuadron 201, SOMEONE CAME TO CHURCH! Its not like the coolest thing to hear, but after so many weeks of disappointment, and trudging through it all, we finally achieved our goal: an investigator at church. 
Im a little bummed to be leaving cause it feels like the second that Escuadron is having success, im leaving! But its all good. 

Anyway, it was a quick week, full of work, and it finally paid off. I finally saw the fruits of my labors!

Other things:
1. Im not a huge fan of Subarus, but after 7 months of not seeing one, I got really happy seeing a white WRX STi. it was beautiful! 
2. I got a hand spinner! am i cool now?
3. thats it.

Spiritual thought thanks to Lily, my sister!: 
D&C 124:45-46
Alma 7:24
Alma 13:28

I just got these sweet pictures off of Kyle's mission mom's facebook. ❤❤❤

I was moved to Chinampas, one of the highest baptizing areas in all of Mexico City! Its just a bunch of little towns. so dope. Im so excited! My companion is Elder Humphrey from Lehi Utah. We are so ready to work!! Ill tell you all of my adventures next week!

Monday, June 12, 2017


Hey guys. No time to write. But its okay because nothing happened this week. 5 straight weeks without someone coming to church with us, and we have had the same results with baptisms. Escuadron is actually really hard because no one does anythinghere.

I dont have enough time to find a good scripture and give a thought, but just find something dope in the scriptures and pretend like I shared it, okay? Okay. 

Monday, June 5, 2017

6-5-17 the original colbalt gallo

These past few weeks have been rough. We work all day every day, harder than I ever have. We have found more than 35 new investigators in 4 weeks. We have given lesson after lesson where the spirit was so strong that the recipients of the lesson cried.But after all of this, we have never had one single person go to church, and now no one will accept baptismal dates either. It really isnt about the number of baptisms for me, but that I can at least see a few fruits of all my work. Ive unfortunately not been able to do that here in Escuadron. The area is great, the ward is nice, and people are willing to listen. But they dont do anything and thats been killing us. 

Thankfully, not everything is bleak from this week. Sunday night, we found a full family who listened to us and accepted our message. We can at least see a few people who like the message, we just hope that they will sincerely desire to know the truth. 

The title of this email is the name of a Rooster fighting shop, of which there are actually 5 different shops within 6 blocks of my house. They sell Roosters, fighting equipment, training equipment, special rooster feed, and more. Supposedly its illegal here but theres so many stores here that I think the cops just gave up. I guess whats popping in Mexico is Rooster fighting right now haha. 

Thats all for this week, we will continue working and all. I think I am going to go buy some Oreos. That sounds nice. Adios, y que Dios les bendiga!

Other Cool stuff:
1. I saw a Mustang Shelby GT-350 this week. Its my favorite car. It was so cool

Spiritual thought:
I was reading in Mosiah (great book, its my favorite in the BoM), and verse 2 of chapter 16 says that Almas heart was touched by the testimony of Abinadi. Alma went on to convert 450 people within a few months and ultimately become the great High Priest of the church, during several years of prosperity in the church. Thanks to the testimony of one man, thousands of years of history on the American continent were changed. Never underestimate the power of a testimony. Never forget how powerful your testimony of the Living Christ is. It can change the history of the American continent for thousands of years, you just have to share it. 

Also, I want to hear your thoughts on D&C 82:22. Everyone in my district is stumped except for me haha, and I want to know if you guys understand it!