Monday, January 29, 2018

Saint Peter the Martyr January, 29, 2018

What a week. I feel... like I am on top of the world, but really I'm on the bottom.
I have contacted more this week than I have in my entire mission. I am just a machine of a missionary now. I am freakin climbing up mountains, I am contacting left and right. I teach like it's nothing, I get home and report with sister missionaries, and at the same time I'm updating teaching records, new investigator lists, and I clean the house. And I do all my studies. So, I am literally killing it out here. Not with numbers, but with how I am working. I feel like I finally have got the whole missonary thing down. Only problem..... we have nothing haha. Our area hasn't been touched by elders in FOREVER, so we just... don't have anything!!! There aren't even members out there haha! But it is all good. I like what I am doing. 

I've been slacking on talking about my investigators and stuff! Out in Chinampas I left a lot of strong investigators, and out here I have none! But I'll let you guys know how they are when I get some! ☺
My companion is funny but he is shy so I do all the talking all day haha! It's okay, we are gonna work on that and get him talking! 
I wish I had more to report than the fact that I am walking STRAIGHT up mountians. But I don't. 

We were eating lunch with some members, and my Zone Leader kinda grabbed me and leaned me on his shoulder, and the sister who gave us food said "last time that happened to Jesus Christ, he was sold by a traitor, so watch yourself" and then called me JudasIscariot ☺

I had the CUTEST little girl come running up to me screaming with joy. So I started talking to her. Turns out she loves Americans and wants to be my best friend. 😀😀😀

Last night a group of 10 year old girls had their minds exploded when I showed them my hair was real, and not dyed. Then they asked to take pictures with me. I declined. 

Well i hope yall have a great week full of joy and remember 3 Nephi 22: 7-10

Monday, January 22, 2018

San Pedro Marir 1 -Bis

Well, I don't know whose idea it was to name an LDS ward after a Catholic saint but it's cool. That's where I am at right now. We are divided in two parts. The Zone Leaders have the upper side, where all of the work is at, and I am opening the bottom part where it is literally straight mountains and that is it. And I'm not exaggerating when I say we walk straight up mountains. The people here don't know how to use switchbacks, so they pave the road straight up the side, and well, we have to walk up it. I will be shedding a few pounds cause I'm already dying from the walking we do. And other than that, well, no one has been here for 2 years, so there is literally no one to visit. Sooo, it's cool, I like starting from scratch. We just walk around and contact. It doesn't work too well.

Other than that... well, I really just told you my entire week in the last two sentences. It's all right though, the Lord knows why I am here, I think. 
I'm just here to work, and if I'm blessed with success, well that's great, and if not, well, I'll still work. 
I'm ready for this transfer. 

My new companion is Elder Alonzo from Panama. Sorry I didn't take a pic with him. I will do it this week. 

Alma 15:8. Enough said. 

1,2,3: my final pics in Chinampas

Monday, January 15, 2018

Heyyy January 15 2018

long time, no see.

dont have any time, never do, never will.

i got transferred out of chinampas and im now in San Pedro Martir. im sad to leave cause i was there 8 full months, but it is time to move on. i will update more next week, sorry!!!